Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Detox Darling - Feindish Fruit

I was recently was reading "Psychology Today" as I waited for Aria to finish out her allotted half hour on the library computer and there was an article on pesticide contamination in produce. If I didn't already have curlies, I would now. Pretty much made me sick to my stomach. And it wasn't fear mongering. It is well documented that, "The fruits and vegetables on “The Dirty Dozen” list, when conventionally grown, tested positive for at least 47 different chemicals, with some testing positive for as many as 67." and those 47-67 chemicals have some NASTY side effects (cancer, for instance). Go on, google it for yourself if you doubt me. And they test for chemicals after they have washed the produce.

So, without further ado, here are the Dirty Dozen:
(the food you want to buy organic to avoid contamination)

Domestic Blueberries
Sweet Bell Peppers
Spinach, Kale and Collard Greens
Imported Grapes

I was displeased to note that these are the items I purchase most.

Anyways, Superstore seems to only have Organic Apples, Strawberries and Spinach. But I know that Pricemart has a much better selection of organic produce.

And to celebrate my new organic produce, I dried organic apple slices yesterday. Mmmmm, good.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Detox Darling - Your Armpits Are Atrocious

I'm BAAA-aaaack! And to celebrate my re-emergence into my Frugality blogging I am starting a new string of posts on freeing your life from unnecessary exposure to harmful chemicals.  Don't cringe! I promise that it'll be simple and interesting. And without further ado:

Did you know that your deodorant has Aluminum in it?
Go ahead and check, I'll wait. It'll say something like "21% Aluminum Tetrahozide" in an inconspicuous spot.
Did you find it? Okay, here's why you need to know:
ALUMINUM has been linked to ALZHEIMER'S!
And might be linked to breast cancer as well. Bad news, yes?
If you don't believe me, google it. (But don't read too much. I read one site that told me to throw away every single bath and beauty item in my bathroom {doosh bags})

Anyways, back to toxic deodorant. I've known this for years, but I am a sweaty girl. And when I tried the natural (aluminum free) deodorants out there I became that most awful of awfuls: The Sweaty AND Stinky Girl. So I decided what any socially coherent single woman in her 20's would do: I decided I would take my chances with Alzheimer's.

And every time I applied my deodorant, I thought mournfully and a bit bitterly about how unkind it was of the world to foist fear mongering information on Aluminum on me without any proper alternatives. It was as though the choice was: Be stinky or die a horrible death when you are old.

And then, my Aluminum hating armpits were liberated.

I was pretending to be busy whilst surfing the net, and a found a website that swears homemade deodorant works. I admit that even though I am a super 'home-made' advocate, it had never even occurred to me that you could make something like deodorant. And even if it had, I would've thought what you are thinking now: yeah, you can make it - that doesn't mean it'll work.

But the woman swore in earnest that it would. She was so beseechingly convincing that I thought I'd give it a go.

And it works.


I have been using homemade deodorant for two weeks now (and for those of you local girls, you will be impressed that it has been the hottest two weeks of the year) and it works. I find that I am a little bit stinky by evening, but I was with regular deodorant too.

So, How Can YOU Detox Your Armpits?

Well, if you have a pioneering spirit, go to Crunchy Betty for some deodorant recipes, and get your goop on, or if you want something easier - I'll make you some (you have to buy it, silly). 

A Batch of Homemade Deoderant (should last roughly 2 months) for $6. You can pick your scent: Lavender or Tea Tree.

NOTE: Some women say it irritates their skin, so if you need a sensitive skin batch, I can do that too for a dollar more.