I always do my grocery shopping first thing on Tuesday mornings. I try to get to the store between 8 and 8:30 - I love getting there when the displays are perfect and well stocked and I can take my time without being stampeded by 14 other people in a rust to get home.
Today my husband had a dentist's appointment on the other side of town, so I used that hour of dead space to save my self the trouble of having to shop tomorrow. I stopped at three different stores to price compare and bought a bit at each. It's worthwhile, at least where we live because the stores are very close, to go to each because each one has their specials meant to pull you in. Kin's Market has oranges for $.39 a pound, Safeway was scandalously expensive, and Superstore has cheap bread along with the lowest prices.
In Superstore, if you go early in the mornings there is always a rack near the bulk/meat departments FULL of day old bread and buns that are marked 50% off. Today I got 14 Grain Bread for $1.25, 12 Rolls for $1.25, 8 Wonder Hamburger Buns for $1.10 and a loaf of Sourdough for $1.20. Because they aren't fresh I always freeze what we aren't going to eat that day.
I am a big advocate of making your own bread, but for the healthier loaves, you can't really beat prices between $1-2. And after trying my hand at bun making, I have to say that I prefer store bought buns for flavor, but it's just so much easier. And 12 cents a bun is pretty cheap.
Haha - cheap buns!
you are cute -cheap buns. question for you- and if you don't want to answer on here, no pressure. i am just wondering how much you spend on groceries a week. you have the same number of people in your house as me, so i am just curious. thanks lady!