Okay, so this week I was visiting with another crafty Mama, and I was introduced to a whole SLEW of new money saving directions. And what could this new multifaceted savings opportunity be centered around?
So, in my late night internet scouring zeal, last night I did some research. First I landed here. There wasn't much that I hadn't covered but for numbers 4 and 5; insurances and being energy smart. However, there was a lovely little pair of links that took me here (lowering your electric bill) and here (saving on your water bill). I stayed up too late reading all of that, but I have filled my schedule for months on little projects around the house!
These kinds of projects cost a bit up front, but they save you dollars every month. We are having a particularly squeezy month, so this month I will only do projects I can do for free, but I am exited to be resourceful!
Today, for my first project, I put a Faucet Aerator on my kitchen tap. Apparently, this reduces the flow of water without reducing the pressure, thereby saving money on Hydro. Who knew?
And I was pleased to read that I am already saving money by saving 'grey' water for my plants!
Did you know that you can apply through BC Hydro for a energy saving kit? You have to come in under a certain salary bracket to qualify (which they conveniently do not disclose on the brochure), but I am excited to try that this week.
And I feel I should say I am sorry for leaving you hanging this past month with no posting - I've been all in my head and treading water, if that makes sense...
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