During the summer months, I have been trying to line dry as much laundry as possible. I know I've written at length in the past about saving money in the laundry room, but I have just got to post about how much I am loving my little laundry line and rack in the summer sunshine on my back porch. It all started with a little pamphlet in my hydro bill. The pamphlet was offering a $75 dollar rebate to any household who could, over the course of a year, reduce their energy usage by 10%.
As I have just acquired two male boarders, I didn't even consider their offer - my bill will be going up, not down. But some of their suggestions appealed to me; particularly the challenge to line dry our laundry.
At first, it was a pain in my tookus.
It takes four times as long to hang it as it does to throw it in the dryer, in addition to which we have wasps slowly taking over our back porch so the irritation of those precious minutes was compounded by wasp evasion. But as the days have turned into weeks, my daughter has started 'hep'ing mummy, which is sweet though terribly inefficient. And there is something surreal, in the very best meaning of the word, about wearing an apron in morning sunlight and hanging warm, clean smelling, damp clothing on haphazard ropes strung on your porch to the sound track of wasps wings and lawn mowers.
As your bare feet kiss a sun warmed porch, something inside your soul just knows that it's GOOD.
Cool. Hey Friend, check this out...