Thursday, December 30, 2010

Setting A Gypsie Up For Success

The Gypsie Challenge is a simple concept. Spend as little as possible for one month. After the gluttony of December, we are ready for a bit of self denial. But as ALL of us know, good intentions pave the way to Hell.
A dream without a plan is only a wish.
So, in amongst the Auld Lang Syne New Years Preparations, your very first Gypsie Assignment is this:

1.)  Set a simple, achievable goal.

2.)  Make a detailed plan for how to get there.

3.)  Post your plan in a place you will look at AT LEAST twice a day.

For example:

I, Victoria, will pay off my MasterCard by February 1, 2011.

I will do this by:

a.)  Not eating out in January (unless I don't have to pay - ie. gift cards).

b.)  I will complete a pantry challenge in January (more to come on this).

c.)  I will have a sale in my Etsy shop (on now, free shipping & 25% off. Coupon Code: WinterBlowout2010 ) to raise funds.

d.)  I will not purchase any clothing (again, gift cards are exempt).

e.)  I will use my car less to save money on gas.

NOTE: I know that there are at least four of us, but come ON! We need a bit more momentum! Leave a comment or shoot me an email to join the Gypsie Challenge!!!! Latecomers WELCOME!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Hello All,

I have fallen sadly behind in my frugality blogging. Reasons? Many. Debt? Yes. Frugal? Trying.

And so, with the approach of the new year, and all things new, I have decided to pay off my credit card in one month. Yes. And to the horror of all people out there who are private about their finances, I will disclose the amount I plan to save/pay off this month.

ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS!!! MUah, ah, ah!!!!

This is my first financial goal of 2011, and I am totally going to rock it!!!

For those of you who were gypsies with me last year, you will remember the pain and glory of the GYPSIE CHALLENGE!

The premise is simple: spend as little as possible for the month of January.

What ever you do after that is a matter of personal preference.

I, for one, am going to embrace a pantry challenge, no eating out, and gas conservation.

If you would like to follow, and I really hope you would, just leave a comment below (you need to have a blog profile to do so, but don't worry - it's painless and quick) and let the frugality begin!!!!