Hello, and welcome back to reality!
Presents opened, obligatory holiday-beast-feast-weight gained (these gelatinous love handles can't handle much more) and bedraggled tree tucked back into it's rubbermaid tote under the stairs until next December.
And now, because the beginning of a new year is always filled with such potent potential and intention, I challenge you to a duel.
It was born this afternoon, as we watched a documentary on Gypsies called, "When the Road Bends". It was about how hundreds of years ago a bunch of people left India and spread all over the world, and today the only thing still connecting them is their common ancestry and the music they still carry with them. So all these modern day Gypsies get together and travel across North America doing this concert of Gypsy music.
Firstly, I would like you to know that my 13 month old daughter SANG ALONG to parts of it (she's just as odd as her father and I are). And Secondly, I was reminded again of how STINKIN' RICH we are. Here are these famous musicians (in their own countries) and they live in tiny apartments or huts in villages without electricity or running water. Not a ONE of those ridiculously talented people lived in a house as nice as, or as big as, or as filled with nice stuff as mine. And most of them? Use the money they earn to give their children or siblings a chance for a better life (ie - literacy or bringing electricity to their village).
Wow. So I started thinking about it.
If you're anything like me, I know you've wondered. Possibly even fantasized about it. Just how resourceful could you be - how much self denial could you take? Let's find out...
I challenge you, oh fearless readers, to spend as little as possible for just ONE month. And when I write as little as possible, I really mean it. How little can you spend in a month? Most of us have freezers and pantries full of unused goodies that we keep from month to month - how much could you bring your grocery bill down this month by using that stuff up? By having friends over for tea instead of hitting the Bucks? By fixing what breaks instead of replacing it? By DOING WITHOUT (ohhhh, those dirty little words)? Lets find out.
Let me know if you're with me for the month of January 2010 by leaving a comment. And please, share your ideas and stories as the month progresses, k?