I think, that if you are on this journey with me, you need to start with the right mindset - that you are wealthy beyond most peoples imaginations, and you are robbing yourself blind, month after month.
There is this one particularly disturbing image of a young kid with it's face at a cows bottom, drinking its urine or something. Because they have no water that's safe to drink. I think that image will stay with me for the rest of my life as iconic of true poverty.
So, my wealthy friends, today when you open the fridge, start the car, or crawl into that big comfy bed of yours, remember that even though you can't buy everything you want (like those saucy shoes at aldo) you have everything you need. And I don't mean that as some kind of don't-waste-your-food guilt trip, I mean it as a perspective adjustment to help us find contentment. We really are rich! And starting with that attitude is going to change your world!
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