Friday, February 19, 2010

Cheap vs. Cheap

My daughter has these awesome plastic velcro bibs that you can just wipe clean. Well, I should say she had these awesome bibs until the dye started rubbing off of them and onto her face. Yes. And they lasted about 13 more seconds in the kitchen until my husband saw the 'MADE IN CHINA' tag on them. Which is not to say I am for or against China, but anyone would have to admit China doesn't have a great track record with safe products for children. So into the garbage they went, but we still needed bibs.
I thought to myself, "Don't I have some vinyl in the basement?" and the answer was a resounding yes! I traced the old bibs, cut the vinyl and stuck velcro on. It took me about 2 minutes, the cost was pennies and my problem was S-O-L-V-E-D. Now, I am not saying they are beautiful enough to give as a gift or sell, but they are a definite success!

Today there was a $7 bag sale at our local BFM, and I went in search of craft supplies. If you aren't familiar with a bag sale, basically you get to cram a bag (and not just a little grocery bag) with as much as you can fit into it for only $7. I looked around for about an hour, and I found a few items - but not enough to fill a bag, and I didn't want to just buy things for the sake of a sale. So guess what? I walked away.

Sometimes you get so excited about saving money on a good deal that you forget that no matter how cheap something is, if you don't need it or if it's not good quality, it's just junk. And today, when I was finding stuff cheaper than I will find it again for some time, I still kept my head. This is an unparalleled success for me, and I just wanted to share it.

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