Friday, February 26, 2010

Frugality's First GIVEAWAY!!!

Hello My Darlings,
Did I mention that this week was spring break for us? It was. And my routine has got all buggered up with sleeping in, staying home and snuggling my man. Ohhhh, poor me. :o)
But we have still been frugal, which is more difficult on Spring Break. There's a carefree scent in the air that you have to guard against. And the Master of the House smells it too. Two temptations are harder to squash than one. But we went swimming on our budget pass at the pool, wandered our local greenhouse and made good food at home. Oh - and we ravaged the local library of all its best books and movies. Spring Break on a budget has been bad for the housework but stellar for my nerves. (deep sigh of relaxation). Oh, and I made Frugality's Pea Soup once again - such a good soup!
And I've been thinking about you guys a lot.
Which brings me to a very fun announcement.
Remember my ranting and raving about "Clean House Clean Planet" by Karen Logan? Well, I believe in her book so much that I have a spanky new copy to give away to one of you, my lucky readers. All you have to do is leave a frugality related comment on this post. The deadline is midnight, a week from today (March 5), so start typing!
I am willing to mail this little book to Canada and the mainland US, but no further, so sorry to my readers farther away.
Oh, and should you desire to tell your friends about my little giveaway, please do - I'd love more friends on the frugality train!


  1. ummmm....frugality related comment.

    I just completed my first two weeks on a cash budget. There were some hiccups along the way, but overall i LOVED IT. So much easier on the emotional reserves to see the money being spent (suprisingly, I expected it would be the other way around).

    ...does that count :) hahaha...

  2. I've been waiting all week to comment... because I can't think of just one frugality related comment. I'm not frugal when it comes to words:)

    My comment: RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH on the internet. It will save you $thousands$ of dollars. Don't just use the internet for entertainment. Think of it as a money saving tool! From everything to homemade baby food recipes (use ice cube trays to freeze the food - it last 1-2 months); where swap meets are happening in your city; finding the best deals on that screen door you have to replace because 'someone' didn't see it & ran through it! If you research before you shop, you'll save. I do! I love GOOGLE :)
