Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day Eighteen

Okay, so I am sorry not to have written - my basement flooded twice and I am dealing with a 'situation', so not much time for blogging. 
Pantry Challenge week was BRUTAL, but I spent only about $40 on groceries (4 adults and one infant), so that was pretty successful. We did sleep in one morning and only rolled out of bed 10 minutes before we had to leave so we spent $4.46 at McD's on a coffee to share and 2 for 1 McGriddles. I put it under the 'unnecessary spending' but it really was quite necessary. I am a monster without breakfast. The other $5.5o under unnecessary spending really WAS unnecessary and completely unapproved purchase by my husband. He is unapologetic and will be punished. And what would he break our vow to purchase? What could he not live without, I ask you? Ginger Ale for him and a buddy. Seriously. 
I am going to wax off his eyebrows while he sleeps.
Anyways, there is less than 2 weeks left, so stay strong. And if you've bombed, don't be discouraged - there's still twelve days in which to impress yourself with your thrifty skills!

Unnecessary Spending Status: $10
Unexpected Income: $200
Amount Paid to date on that Beastly Credit Card: $676.68

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