Saturday, January 2, 2010

Gypsie Update

No takers!? Aye, me, sad hours seem long...
Well, I am going to do this on my own then.

And so far so good! One day down and 30 to go = zero dollars spent. In fact, today I will be earning some unexpected income, so we're on the plus side.

To curb my spending tendencies, last night we watched a documentary on Lions in India and I started 3 sewing projects. Nice. I can see that this month is going to be very interesting.

Oh, and an interesting frugality tip:

You can make your own cutting boards by trimming the edges off of old ice cream pail lids. Granted, they are round, and they don't last as long as other cutting boards, but they work.


  1. I am with you...just have to curb my husband as well!

  2. Haha - mine took some convincing, but I got him in the end!
